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Welcome to ACTRA Member News where you will find the latest news, tips, calls to action and more in one place.

Dear ACTRA Members, 

Thank you for your attendance and participation in the recent Town Hall and your activism on the NCA lock-out. You are making a difference. Your support of your National Council’s strategy and respect for confidentiality in the bargaining process has led to Cossette signing a Letter of Continuance so they can work with ACTRA members again. As a major agency in Canada and ICA member, we welcome this step and look forward to others doing the same. 

We rely on and deeply appreciate the engagement of members in this struggle. We know it has been difficult for members over the last year, particularly when we have been at the bargaining table, and communications have been restricted. This continues to be the most challenging fight the union has ever faced. 

The National Council is fully committed to the NCA strategy and action plan adopted last summer. Bargaining is the most important work of the union and making gains depends on building the strength and solidarity of the membership. ACTRA’s National Council will do whatever it takes to end the unlawful lockout and bargain the best for members.

The ACTRA National Council unequivocally supports the NCA bargaining team, which includes members with experience and expertise in the commercial sector, who have been tirelessly representing members at the negotiating table.

To continue the support of all members, National Council will appoint an ad hoc assembly of ACTRA members who are directly affected by the unlawful lock-out with the mandate to:

  • support and inform direct action to demonstrate leverage in negotiations
  • assist and organize member and ally mobilization
  • provide general membership advice on the ICA lockout

The National Council will maintain pressure on Brands through boycott and government lobbying.

The National Council will negotiate a new, simplified, and modern National Commercial Agreement with Canadian advertisers and agencies who commit to a value-added competitive commercial jurisdiction.

The National Council will provide clear communication to membership on the start and end period of any communication embargo necessitated by negotiations. 

The National Council will continue to provide regular updates to ACTRA members, agents, and industry partners.

The National Council will look to establish a Bargaining Task Force to review bargaining models and to hold a bargaining conference ahead of future negotiations.

This work will continue alongside all of the actions taken to date which include:

  • complaint of bad faith bargaining with the Ontario Labour Relations Board
  • filing of over 300 grievances against Engagers who have locked out ACTRA members
  • geo-targeted Facebook ads promoting our campaigns, reaching 194,000 Canadians so far 
  • lobbying Federal and Provincial governments to not engage in non-union commercials during the lockout
  • calling for a boycott of brands using locking-out Engagers
  • online letter campaign pledging boycott to Brand and Agency CEO’s
  • obtaining support of ACTRA members to establish a Council of Unions to organize in the commercial sector
  • amending the ACTRA By-laws to encourage non-members on permit to join
  • organizing rallies in front of advertising agency offices
  • launching of a petition with Labour Start
  • gathering letters of support from labour affiliates in Canada and through the International Federation of Actors
  • hosting Town Halls with members and Agents
  • sending emails, social media notices and updates to members
  • getting several news articles published by various media outlets 
  • bargaining preparations for a simplified and modern commercial agreement as agreed with the ACA

Here’s what you can do right now to help. Add your name to this letter writing campaign to pledge to boycott six Union Busting Brands and send a message to the CEO’s of the agencies locking out ACTRA members. 

ACTRA was founded by working performers who recognized that individually performers are at the mercy of the engagers but when we stick together, we make things better. 

Thank you again for your support.

In Solidarity,
ACTRA National Council

Publicis Toronto, which represents major clients, has signed a Letter of Continuance and will return to producing union commercials using ACTRA performers under the terms and conditions of the 2024-2025 National Commercial Agreement.
The Alliance of Canadian Cinema, Television and Radio Artists (ACTRA) congratulates SAG-AFTRA for reaching a tentative agreement with the Alliance of Motion Picture and Television Producers (AMPTP) after a 118-day long strike.
ACTRA members, The following is an update from the AFC to members in their October Newsletter: October 2023 We're putting a temporary pause on accepting new applications for our Emergency Financial Aid Program.