Welcome to Leaves.
Welcome to Leaves, a static, 3 column layout made with your usual CSS and XHTML. It is able to correctly accommodate any font size increases or shrinkages (Is that a word?). It seems to work fine in Firefox, Opera, Internet Explorer and Safari. It's more minimal than other designs, because I think images (drop shadows, giant header images) are being obsessively over used these days. I think it detracts from the content and shoves way too much information to a viewer all at the same time, so here you go: Leaves, a minimalist design. Feel free to massacre or change the design to your liking. Well, I guess it's time for some more Latin. If you want me to create a custom design for you, feel free to drop me a line anytime at web@smallpark.org
Why I like Latin Filler Text.
Aenean eros arcu, condimentum nec, dapibus ut, tincidunt sit amet, urna. Quisque viverra, eros sed imperdiet iaculis, est risus facilisis quam, id malesuada arcu nulla luctus urna. Nullam et est. Vestibulum velit sem, faucibus cursus, dapibus vestibulum, pellentesque et, urna. Donec luctus. Donec lectus. Aliquam eget eros facilisis tortor feugiat sollicitudin. Integer lobortis vulputate sapien. Sed iaculis erat ac nunc. Etiam eu enim. Mauris ipsum urna, rhoncus at, bibendum sit amet, euismod eget, dolor. Mauris fermentum quam vitae ligula. Vestibulum in libero feugiat justo dictum consec