The tragic and devastating news about the recent discovery of the mass burial site near the Kamloops Indian Residential School containing the bodies of 215 children serves as a heartbreaking reminder and reconfirms how crucial it is for everyone to continue the journey towards truth and reconciliation with Canada’s Indigenous Peoples.

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TORONTO, ON – With a revised Charter statement and testimony from Heritage Minister Guilbeault and Justice Deputy Minister Drouin now complete and an expert panel imminent, Canadian Heritage Committee members must commit to resuming its clause-by-clause review of Bill C-10 immediately so we can get this much-needed legislation passed.

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TORONTO, ON — Following a week of debate amongst Canadian Heritage Committee members about Bill C-10, an Act to amend the Broadcasting Act, ACTRA is now urging all parties to put politics aside and pass Bill C-10.

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TORONTO, ON — Canadian performers have ratified the terms of settlement reached between ACTRA and Game On Creative, Inc. with respect to the agreement covering performers engaged in video game production in Canada. The new agreement includes a three per cent increase to all rates in each year of the three-year Agreement and is retroactively in effect from January 1, 2021, to December 31, 2023.

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