We call for action to end the systemic racism, oppression, violence and discrimination against our Black sisters and brothers that exists here in Canada and around the world. Changing our culture takes a collective voice. We commit to being one of those voices and will not stay silent in the…

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Canadian performers are shining a spotlight on ACTRA member Sarah Polley by naming her their 2020 ACTRA National Woman of the Year. ACTRA bestows this honour annually on an ACTRA member who excels in both her artistic and advocacy achievements.

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ACTRA welcomes the long-awaited release of the Broadcasting and Legislative Review Panel’s final report as part of the process of adapting Canada’s broadcasting legislation to the digital economy.

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Toronto, ON (December 12, 2019) — ACTRA is pleased with the progress made by all parties to amend the Canada-United States-Mexico Agreement (USMCA, or CUSMA in Canada). We look forward to our minority government working together to pass legislation as quickly as possible to ratify the trade agreement with two of…

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