- Adam’s Advertising Ltd.
- B.D.F. Productions Ltd.
- Catalena Productions Ltd. (Ian MacLennan)
- Clancy Grass Productions
- Erin Films Ltd. (Harry Cole)
- Fusion Generation Productions Ltd. (R. Paul Dhillon)
- Hal Walters Creative Services
- Hart Productions Inc. (Ralph Scobie)
- Hot Street Productions Ltd. (Christopher Brough)
- Iona Enterprises (Bob Brooks)
- Scene II Productions Inc. (Brian A.T. Shaw)
- 95454 Canada Limited (Sheila Leyrand)
- Advision K.C. Films and Promotions Ltd (Dieter Kohler) Total Image Productions
- Gladiatrix Productions 2024 Inc. (Michael Patrick Lilly)
- Group 3 Films Ltd.
- Wacko Productions (Wendy Wacko)
- Cinema Star Minutes Muffler
- Out of the Darkness Productions (Rueben Martell)
- Granicus Films (Bohdan Wowk)
- Boundary Six Limited (Errick F. Willis)
- Centre Street Film Productions (Manitoba) Ltd. (J. William McCaughey)
- K- Tel International Limited
- Westhawk Productions (J. William McCaughey)
- Pray For Me Productions Ltd. (Damian Lee)
- Futronics Inc.
- Pageman Productions Inc. (Daniel Turres)
- Active Productions
- Multi-Visual Ltd. (Rolly Desmarais)
- Terra Nova Film Productions Ltd.
- 2444966 Ontario Inc (Jo Marr)
- Active Productions (Ted Gzebb)
- Air Kraft (Paul Marshall)
- Altor Media Corporation (Don Ginsberg)
- Amaranth Productions
- Argosy Films Inc. (Herbert Abramson)
- Avid (Paul Lightfoot)
- Baxter Multi-Media Inc. (William Baxter)
- B.D.F. Productions Ltd.
- Bedford Group, The Bennet Fode
- Black Sea Productions (A. Ochrymovytch)
- Bothanos (Tom Vachliotis)
- Brian McKenna – **Not the ACTRA award-winning Brian McKenna
- Camp Canada
- Canadian Telemedia Productions Ltd. (Ralph Kirchen)
- Canadian Trend Communications
- Cardinal Communications “Commershells”, 260450 Investments
- Communications Centre Inc., The (Keith Elshaw) Communications Tactix (Marco Brandao)
- Corporate Images Marketing and Communication Creative Buffet, The (Tom Vachliotis)
- David Ascher Productions Ltd.
- David Brown Advertising Ltd.
- Electric Entertainment (Paul Osborn, “Doctor On Call”)
- Famous Players Film Corporation
- Far Shore (Joyce Weiland, Judy Steed)
- Film & Slide WorkshopPg.
- 4T Productions Inc. (Jennifer Holness)
- F.P.S. Studios (Carl Hodges)
- Fred Melstead Productions
- Generation X (Jim Banks)
- Glen Bonham Productions (Glen Bonham)
- Guerilla High Productions
- Hazelton Motion Pictures Inc. (David Eustace)
- He Never Died (Ontario) Inc. (Adam Shully)
- Healthlink Communications Inc.
- Homeservice Club of Canada
- Hughes Ludlow & Associates Ltd. (David A. Hughes)
- Idomo
- Innovative Images (Greg Hancock)
- Inspiration Pictures Inc. (Martin Julian)
- Inter Global Music
- International Connections Associates
- IPS Recording Studios (John DeNottbeck, Paul Goulet)
- J.R.C. Communications
- JRTA8911 Inc. (Robert Johnston)
- Legend Film Corporation (Daniel E. McLeod)
- Lightscape Productions (Phillip Jackson) Media Corporation
- Milmar Productions Enterprises Ltd
- MJM Productions and M.J. McCurlie Media Inc. (Laurie McCurlie)
- MLG Productions
- Motivideo Productions Inc. (Hugh McCall)
- Movie Partners Inc. (Howard Hurst)
- Musichall Productions (Peter Ingster)
- Nasus Limited
- Norcom Films Co. (Jim Ross aka Enrique Gutirrez)
- Northern Lights (Brad Thrasher, Joy Peterson, Tom Peacock) – **Not to be confused with Northern Lights Communications Group Inc. or Northern Lights Direct Response Television Inc.
- Ontario Limited 1096856 B.C. Productions (Booze Can Productions, Sandy Creighton)
- Panda-Tillicum
- Productions (Nancy McLean, Barry McLean)
- Paradise Films Ltd.
- Paris in New York Productions (Belinda Michel/Belinda Drover)
- Pentcomm (Henry Thompson)
- Personnel Training Services Peter Kiviloo
- Phalanx Group, The (Avi Ben-Yehuda)
- Polygon Media Productions (Walter Soles)
- Quadramedia Management Inc.
- Rai Productions (Ilse Krob) aka Idea Woman aka Action Media
- Realtime Communications (Robert Kirschner)
- Rhino Productions (Interesting Productions Sam Bari)
- Robert Ennis Productions aka Inter Connections (Robert Ennis)
- Scene II Productions Inc. (Brian A.T. Shaw)
- Scherberger Films (Aiken Sherberger)
- Science Communications International (Sci Productions) (Taras Pavlyshyn)
- Seaburg Cosmetics Inc.
- Shannon Advertising (Jim Copeland)
- St. Paul Film Productions
- Strauss & Associates Tele-Marque Systems
- Telestories Entertainment Inc.
- That Commercial Place
- Thesaurus Feature Films Ltd. aka Television Productions Ltd. (William Poulis)
- Third Language Research and Marketing Ltd.
- VC & B Marketing (Tom Vachliotis)
- Video Corporate Reports Inc. (Brian Couch)
- Videocomm Ltd.
- Video Graffiti (Karl Rigelhof)
- Wingman Movie Inc. (Justin Levine)
- Wittman-Richter Film Productions (Peter Wittman, Ota Richter)
- Words & Music Programming Syndicate Inc.
- 89995 Canada Ltd.
- 94442 Canada Inc. as: The Lucky Star Productions
- Aries Productions Ltd. (Allan Avrith)
- Boardlords Productions Inc. (Rudy Rupak)
- Bolt Productions (Chuck Smiley)
- Caneuran Films Inc.
- Cine-Sync (Philip Garcia)
- Classic Film Industries (Julian Metzack)
- Consiglio and Associates Inc.
- Decarie and Tanguay
- Dermet Productions (John Vidette)
- DRGN Productions Inc. (Nick Celozzi, Dimitri Logothetis, Michael Yedor)
- Film Three Productions Inc.
- Groupe Sonocam (Michel Fizzano)
- Kay Studios (Earl Kay, Marcel Lehrer) Michel Audy
- Orpheus Films Inc. (Rafael Levey)
- O-Zail Films Inc. (Gordon Sheppard)
- Publicite Dominion Inc.
- Rafal Productions Inc. (Rafal Zielinsky)
- Salon International Voyages
- Shanda Productions (Dan Shannon)
- Spinning Gold LLC and 9388-2132 Quebec Inc. (Neil Dunn and Gary Randall)
- TVA International
- Usine Galaxie Image (Jean Lemieux)
- 9205-8494 Quebec Inc. [NEQ 1165647463] (Jephté Bastien & Moise Bastien)
- Trillium Hill Productions / Bruce Dennis of Fredericton
- Zenotropa Real Fiction
- Ralph Andrews Productions (Ralph Andrew, Stan Cameron)
- Albert Jay Rosenthal & Co.
- Al Hamel Productions (American Home Productions)
- Apollo Pictures Inc.
- Cinema Seven Productions Limited (Elliott Kastnet)
- Dalrymple Productions
- Edgar J. Sherick Associates Inc.
- Jack Armstrong Productions
- Kolar/Passer Productions
- Major Arts Corporation
- Mayfair Productions Inc.
- New Century Productions Ltd.
- New Visions Pictures
- Perennial Productions Inc.
- R & R Productions Inc. (Leonard Grainger)
- Spiegal-Bergman Films Inc. (Larry Spiegal, Mel Bergman)
- Steve Ammerman Tanbar Inc. (Barry Roberts, Tanya Roberts)
- Winters/Hosen Productions
- Norstar Communications (J. Charles Sterin, President)
- AC & R Advertising
- American Video Productions Inc.
- New Sky Communications (Carl Reynolds)
- Phil Stein Enterprises Ltd.
- Seymour Schorr Productions
- Tilos Productions Inc.
- Give & Take Productions Inc. (Phil Morrison, John Bradshaw)