I wanted to provide you with a quick update on negotiations for the National Commercial Agreement.

As you’ve likely heard, the Engagers – representing commercial agencies and advertisers – walked away from the table on June 28. Tomorrow, we’re heading back into further talks. This time with the help of a professional mediator.

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This past weekend, your leaders from across the country met at National Council to agree again on the strategic direction of our great union. They identified priorities and suggested strategies to support work opportunities for every member, to champion diversity on all our screens, to adapt to changing technologies, to address the growth of non-union work, to ensure our governments know artists and culture matter, and to build our own national solidarity. We also chose a new National President when Ferne Downey, after eight exceptional years, moved into the role of Past-President.

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In advance of International Women’s Day on March 8, Canada’s largest performer’s union is shining the spotlight on Canadian actor, humanitarian and activist Tina Keeper by naming her the 2017 ACTRA National Woman of the Year. ACTRA bestows this honour annually on an ACTRA member who excels in both her artistic and advocacy achievements.

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Canadian performers honoured Neve Campbell with the 2016 ACTRA National Award of Excellence on Sunday, January 31, 2016, at the Beverly Hilton in Los Angeles. The Award recognizes an ACTRA member’s career achievements, and contribution to their fellow performers and Canada’s entertainment industry.

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