May 18, 2017
Hello ACTRA members,

This past weekend, your leaders from across the country met at National Council to agree again on the strategic direction of our great union. They identified priorities and suggested strategies to support work opportunities for every member, to champion diversity on all our screens, to adapt to changing technologies, to address the growth of non-union work, to ensure our governments know artists and culture matter, and to build our own national solidarity. We also chose a new National President when Ferne Downey, after eight exceptional years, moved into the role of Past-President.
My name is David Sparrow and I look forward as your new National President to working along-side our Executive and National Councillors from across the land to lead our union of professional performers over the next two years. We have a lot of work to do, but I know when we stand together and face challenges head-on, we can make a difference. I have seen that when we have unity of purpose and focus on our primary goals, we can achieve great things. I am very optimistic that our union will continue to be a respected voice for performers and culture in Canada and around the world. If you have a constructive idea or concern, please do not hesitate to contact me directly by email ( I look forward to working with you to build a stronger ACTRA.
In solidarity,
David Sparrow